Rate Calculator - 2024
To view the 2024 benefit plans and rates, enter the requested information and click the "Get Rates" button.

Note: Domestic Partner rates are included below.
  • If you are covering your Domestic Partner select Employee + Spouse or Domestic Partner
  • If you are covering your Domestic Partner and Child(ren) select Family coverage
  • If you are covering your Domestic Partner’s child(ren) select Employee & Child coverage


Annual Salary:
Working Spouse Subsidy Reduction Designation
Not Covering a Spouse or DP - You have waived medical or selected employee only or employee + child(ren) medical coverage.
SP/DP is not a Working Spouse or No Access Employer Med. - You are covering your spouse or domestic partner under medical and at least one of the following statements is true:
  • Your spouse or domestic partner does not meet the definition of a Working Spouse
  • Your spouse or domestic partner does not have access to employer medical coverage
  • Your spouse's or domestic partner's employer is not required to provide medical coverage under health care reform
SP/DP w/ Access Comb. Salary > 60K - You are covering your spouse or domestic partner who has access to medical coverage through an employer that is required to provide coverage under health care reform, and your combined salaries are more than $60,000.
SP/DP w/ Access Comb. Salary < 60K - You are covering your spouse or domestic partner who has access to medical coverage through an employer that is required to provide coverage under health care reform, and your combined salaries are $60,000 or less.
Spouse/DP works at Travelers - If you are covering your spouse or domestic partner who also works at Travelers under your medical coverage, no subsidy reduction applies; however, you will need to select coverage under the employee with the higher annual salary.

Tobacco Use: Employee:


Optional Life Insurance:

You may also enter the additional fields below to calculate rates for optional life insurance:
Employee Information: Life Coverage: Age:
Spouse Information: Life Coverage: Age:
Child Life Coverage:
Estimated Cost Per Paycheck
Medical Plans Employee Employee
+ Spouse
or Domestic
& Child(ren)
BCBS Plan $ $ $ $
Surest Health Plan $ $ $ $
UHC Choice Plus Plan $ $ $ $
UHC High Deductible + HSA Plan $ $ $ $
Working Spouse Subsidy Reduction
Based on designation made above $
Dental Plan Employee Employee
+ Spouse
or Domestic
& Child(ren)
Aetna Dental Plan $ $ $ $
Optional Life Insurance Employee Spouse or
Based on designation made above $ $ $ Rate Table
Long-Term Disability (LTD) Per Pay
Period Cost
60% up to $15,000/month $
Vision Employee Employee
+ Spouse
or Domestic
& Child(ren)
EyeMed Vision Plan 3.64 7.28 9.10 10.01
Legal Family
MetLife Legal Plan $7.90
* Travelers pays employees once every two weeks, for a total of 26 paychecks per year. For months with three paychecks, most benefit deductions will be taken from only the first two paychecks.

If you have additional questions regarding your benefit rates, please contact the Employee Services Unit (ESU) at 4-ESU@travelers.com or 800.441.4378.